“God Gives Us All Hope”
We all know someone
who entered life with some sort of baggage.
They may have been abandoned as a child, the product of a broken home,
or maybe even someone who just constantly made bad decisions. Even though they might have a feeling of
emptiness, worthlessness or even broken beyond repair, there is hope. If God’s word offers us anything, it is
hope. Hope for the future (John
14.14). Hope that will never disappoint
(Romans 5.1-6). Hope for a better life (John 10.10). In the story of Judges, we
have an example of that hope. Jephthah
was a child that was the product of a broken home, his mother was a
prostitute. As he grew up his brothers
kicked him out of the house denying him any inheritance. As a result, Jephthah
began to make some poor decisions concerning the company he kept; the Bible
calls them “worthless fellows”. However,
God still had big plans for Jephthah.
God used him to become Israel’s ninth judge and lead God’s people to
defeat the enemies of Israel. Now that
doesn’t mean his life was perfect, in fact there were times I am sure he
resorted back to his old self. A prime
example of this is the harsh vow that resulted in giving his daughter into the
care of the Lord. The Scripture is clear
of Jephthah’s sin and feeling of regret and sorrow, but it is also clear of his
success that he accredited to God. The
lesson for us is that it doesn’t matter who we are, God has a plan for our
lives. He wants to give us hope for the
future, a hope that will never disappoint and the hope of a better life, no
matter what the odds against us may seem like.
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