“Shemei’s Unexpected Example”
BIBLE READING: 11 Samuel 19-20 I don’t know a single person who likes to admit when they are wrong. It must have something to do with the way our brains are wired, but no one enjoys being wrong. Have you ever done something to someone with the assumption that you were in the right, only to discover later that you were really in the wrong? Then after you uncover your mistake, you must make that trip to that someone to apologize for your actions. I don’t have to tell you how miserable that feeling is, because we have all experienced it. In the reading today, we are reintroduced to Shimei the Benjaminite. You may remember him from 2 Samuel 16 when David was leaving Jerusalem out of fear for Absalom. Shemei seemed to have been under the impression that all of David’s misfortune was due to Saul’s death, and he was not afraid to let that ...