“A Song About Jesus?”



                “The LORD says to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool”

                                                                                                          -Psalm 110.1

            Psalm 110 is a very special psalm and has a great deal of importance to the eternal kingdom of God.  The passage begins with “LORD”, which is translated as Yahweh (the name of God) speaking to “Lord” which is translated as “sovereign, controller or master”.  This is the same word but referring to two different things.  Peter quotes this passage in Acts 2.34 in his sermon on the day of Pentecost and tells us that David could not be referring to himself because he is still living.  Therefore, this must be referring to someone else, so he uses this opportunity to imply this was Jesus.  The writer of Hebrews also alludes to this being Jesus as he quotes verse one in Hebrews 1.13.  However, this isn’t the only reference to Christ in this psalm.  Psalm 110.3 “…in the womb of the morning the dew of your youth will be yours” is said to be an implicit reference to the resurrection.  The Hebrew writer continues to draw a connection to Jesus as the only priest that can fulfill the description of coming from the order of Melchizedek from Psalm 110.4 in Hebrews 6.20 and again in Hebrews 8.1. David’s psalm is an allusion to God commissioning Jesus with the task of coming to this earth and being the ultimate sacrifice for the people to have salvation.  Then, when His task is complete and He is back at the LORD’S right hand, he can execute His judgment on the nations.  Then, when His work is complete he will be free to drink from the brook and lift His head at a job well done. Isn’t it amazing how God places these thoughts within the mind of David, to pen the words, with David never really knowing the full impact that this song would have on the establishment of the church?  This is just another example of the divine knowledge of an All-Powerful, Infinite God, who loves and cares for each one of us.

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