“Clean Slate”


As a teacher and a student, I always looked forward to “back to school” time. I have always     gotten excited about new notebooks, folders, and pencils because they reminded me I had the opportunity to start off with a clean slate. I always needed an opportunity to start completely over because I didn’t always apply myself in school. Maybe that is why I love the blood of Jesus so much! At times, I feel that I really do not apply myself to the cause of Christ as much as I should, and I need a “do-over.” Everyday, every hour, and every minute I’m alive offers an         opportunity to start over, to wipe the slate clean, and begin again like I am brand new! Peter tells us to, “Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out” (Acts 3.19). The phrase “blotted out” means “to smear out, that is, obliterate (erase), blot out, wipe away.” Those words are music to my ears. I can’t tell you how many times I have needed my sins “blotted out.” But I can tell you that no matter how much I mess up, the blood of Jesus is there for me when I ask for it.

Application: Let today be the first day to start fresh and have your sins obliterated. Thank God for the blood of Jesus that offers us this opportunity to start off with a clean slate over and over again!

Prayer Request_______________________________________________________________________



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