“A Bright & Beautiful Future”



                Believing in God is a blessing beyond compare. The joy and hope that we experience when we give our lives to God is beyond words. But as children of God, we have an enemy that tries to destroy our faith in many ways. Sometimes he uses our families, governments, or life events to shake our faith in God. If we could see the future, how would we react? What would we do? Would we try to change it?

The prophet Daniel, while at Babylon, was given a glimpse of the future. In his dreams he saw great beasts and powers that contended against one another. One of them however became a persecuting power over the children of God. A power described as terrible and strong was to oppress the children of God so much that it would wear them out and defeat them. Today, if one of us were to see a revelation of the future like Daniel’s, what would we do?

            Our enemy is trying to destroy our faith by any means necessary. Through the popular media, the image of God is distorted and sometimes used to make jokes. Science tries to deny the existence of our Lord and Savior by means of their theories and experiments. The children of God are not so much attacked physically today, although in some areas of the world they are. However, whether physically or mentally, our faith is under attack. God gave Daniel a vision of the future and in that future the children of God were facing persecution. How much despair and fear could have come to Daniel’s heart and soul? Yes, it is true our enemy attacks us with relenting force, but it is also true that our God is Savior and Lord over all creation. God’s message to Daniel was not one to give fear and despair but instead to give hope to his people. Daniel 7:27 states, “And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them.”

            Yes, the children of God would face difficult times, it is true that persecution would come by means of the sword, death, family conflicts and great times of trouble and distress, but in the end, God’s kingdom would prevail above all things. Today we may be facing the relentless attack of our enemy in many ways, but as the verse states, all kingdom and dominion will be given to the children of the most high, or in other words, you and me! If we could see into the future, we would see the struggle, but we would see the hand of God acting in our favor. We may face difficult times, but our future is bright and will last forever and ever, Amen!

                                                                                                                                    -Boris Reyes



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