"Sorrow not, even as the rest, which have no hope."
READING: 1 Thessalonians 4
Nature will have her due. Tears will fall, and hearts will seem near
breaking. Nowhere does God rebuke the
tears of natural affection. It is
written in Scripture that "Jesus wept." God sets Himself to extract their
bitterness. Sorrow you may, and must,
but not without hope.
Those who die in Christ are with
Him. They are said to sleep, not because
they are unconscious, but because their death was not filled with terror. Believers have died once in Christ, and it
was necessary to find a word that describes the moment of our leaving this
world and our birth into the next. The
catacombs are covered with the brief significant sentence, "He slept in
Christ." Just as in sleep, the
spirit is conscious, of which our dreams bear witness. It is so in the last sleep. Absent from the body, we shall be present
with the Lord.
Those who die in Christ will come with
Him. They are now waiting for God to
give the final order for the whole heavenly procession to move, which has been
collecting for ages. The holy angels
will accompany.
Those who die in Christ will be
reunited with those who wait for Him and them. They will come with Him. "God will bring them." Those who are alive will be changed. "Then we which are alive and
remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in
the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1 Thessalonians 4:17)
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