“Since we heard of your faith”

BIBLE READING: Colossians 1

This verse appears in the middle of a long introductory sentence when Paul lays the groundwork for his appeal to the members of the church at Colossae, an appeal that he does not voice until chapter 2. The problem facing this young church in Phrygia was that they were in danger of being "cheat[ed] . . . through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ" (Colossians 2:8). They were showing signs of believing ungodly ideas promoted by outsiders. As a careful study of the phrase "the basic principles of the world" reveals, these ideas or philosophies had their origins in demons.
As he begins his letter, the apostle assures the Colossians that word had reached his ears that, despite their vulnerabilities to deception, they were faithful to their calling in Christ and that it was demonstrated in acts of love that benefited their fellow church members. He lets them know in verse 3 that he always prays for them and thanks God for them. This should have the effect of building their confidence that their election by God was genuine and that they could rely on divine help and strength to face the spiritual battles they would soon have to wage against counterfeit doctrines.
Paul had heard of their situation from a reliable source. Verse 7 tells us that one of his protégés, Epaphras, originally from Colossae (Colossians 4:12), had been working with them and had given him a report of their progress. Evidently, he told the apostle that elements of the local religious surroundings were beginning to become apparent in the ideas he was hearing among members of the congregation.
It is not easy to pin down what the exact problem was. Both Jewish and Greek philosophies can be seen in the language Paul uses to describe the problem. In areas far from the Temple, Jewish philosophers were mixing Judaism with Greek philosophy, creating a strange hybrid of revealed truth and humanistic "wisdom," combining beliefs of the worst kind since it contains enough truth to attract a believer and enough error to turn his feet off the path to God's Kingdom. These ideas later fused into formal Gnosticism in the next century, but at this time, the rudiments of such thought were just beginning to take root in various places—one of which was Colossae.
In any case, Paul opens his letter with positivity and encouragement, letting them know they already had what it takes to stand firm in the faith. If they kept their eyes on the hope set before them, they would endure even this severe trial.


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