
BIBLE READING: Acts 27-Romans 3

               Anyone who has ever coached children playing sports realizes that no matter what the sport is or what activity they are doing, you really only need one thing … patience.  When coaching little ones, it is the hardest thing to teach them to play with a sense of urgency.  They don’t understand why mom and dad and coach and whoever in the stands is yelling at them.  But, it’s because it’s very hard to get them to understand the need to be urgent.
               Think about the early stages of the church and its growth.  When you read the end of Acts and the beginning of Romans, you can almost feel the sense of urgency from the apostle Paul.  He was travelling everywhere.  He was talking with everyone.  He was explaining the way of salvation to Jews and Gentiles.  And he was doing it well.  He wanted to tell the world and tell every single person he could because he knew the Lord was returning and he needed all to realize this fact.  These are very encouraging chapters to us because I think we all fall short of having the same urgency that we read about in the New Testament.  Hopefully, these are encouraging words to us so that we will operate with urgency to save the souls we interact with on a daily basis.


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