

            Pro – pitch – E – A – shun… now, say it with me, again, out loud … pro – pitch – e – a – shun. 

               Remember a time, well before Google or the Internet, when we actually used something called books to look things up.  Remember when you went to look up words in the dictionary and you had to look up four or five other words before you actually found out the meaning of the first word.  If you look up the word “propitiation” in the dictionary, you get this definition: “something that propitiates”.  Well, thanks, Merriam-Webster, that helps a lot!  Now we have to look up “propitiate”: “to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of”.  Now, that makes more sense.
               Chapter 3 of Romans, as a whole, gives us an overview of God’s plan throughout time.  Paul points out that the Jews actually did have an advantage over the Gentiles because they had the Mosaic Law (vs 2).  This allowed them to have the opportunity to understand God, His nature, and what He wanted mankind to be.  But, as Paul continues to point out, … they blew it!  Now, by knowing what sin is (since this is what the Law accomplished – verse 20), and it being present in the world, God can show His love towards man by sending His Son.  “But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify.  This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.  There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (vs 21-23 NIV)  Paul is looking at the Jews and the Gentiles and saying that no matter what your background is, we’re all in the same place.  We needed God to provide a new way for all of us.  He did that by sending His Son, a PRO-PITCH-E-A-SHUN, … “to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of” … God, to justify us before God because we violated His will.  What a wonderful thought to have today; that no matter what I’ve done, God loved me enough to have His only Son sacrifice Himself so that I can be with Him ... That is true love.


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