Wednesday - July 20, 2016
Woodlawn Family Bible Study
MAIN IDEA: “Do you really have confidence in God?”
Do you worry too much? Think about this:
- 40% of things you worry about will never happen
- 30% of things have already happened
- 12% of our worries are about needless imaginings of our health
- 10% of our worries are about what other people may think about you
- 8% of our worrying is about legitimate things
So much of our energy is focused on things we can’t control or things we have no energy or ability to fix it.
Many people find it hard to put all their cares and worries in God’s hands. It is human nature to worry, but as Christians we have a way to reduce the stress of worry. Two ways that can help reduce the stress of worry are God's Word and prayer. Having confidence in God is worth more to you than any confidence you may have in your own powers to handle worry. Only God can give you the internal peace to your soul during times of worry, sorrow, and grief. Paul tells us also that the peace we get as Christians through faith and confidence in God is not something we can understand but we can believe it.
APPLICATION: Do you have the confidence in God to believe He is there for you?
Prayer Requests
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