“What am I here for?”



Self-acceptance and being accepted by others is vital to maintain our self-worth and a positive attitude.  While we know this is true, at times we still have feelings of little or no self-worth.  Studies have brought out that one step in developing one’s self-worth is the need to excel in something; to feel successful; to experience growth.  If a person stops growing, he begins to decline. 

Often times, especially as we get older, we may feel that our usefulness is declining.   We may find ourselves wondering, “Where am I going?”  “Who is the real me?”  “What is my purpose in life?” “What Am I Here For?”   

Perhaps we have put in years of service to the Lord; teaching God’s Word, ministering to the sick, conducting Bible studies, doing mission work and other works in the church.  At the same time, we were raising our families and trying to live an example for them.  Then, sooner than we realized, they had their roots and they had tested their wings.  They now are giving their little ones roots, and that is as it should be.

But then, slowly, we find ourselves adrift.  We realize we have lost our sense of direction, our identity, and our inner (true) self.  We are not the same person we used to be.  We have spent years doing and being what others wanted.  We have been controlled by what we think is expected of us.  It may be that sometimes we hardly recognize ourselves.  Maybe we feel that we have no control over our lives, and even wonder if God is still at the helm.   

Two of our most basic needs in life are hope and direction.  For many of us the question in our mind now, is to figure out what it is that we’re supposed to be doing at this stage of our life.  We need direction. 

If we want to continue to grow instead of decline, we must find new ways to use our energies and talents. Like muscles, our talents will be lost if they are not used and developed.  (Matthew 25:14-30)  We have a responsibility to God and to ourselves never to remain stagnant. 

“What am I here for?”  To answer this question we must seek God’s help in understanding ourselves and the way in which we are to go.

David’s plea in Psalm 143:8(b) – “Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You.”

What is self- worth?

Prayer Requests: ____________________________________________________________



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