The book of Acts really serves as a sequel to the Gospel of Luke.  His purpose in writing the Gospel is to provide an accurate description of all that Jesus did and taught, while also doing so in an orderly fashion.  In the book of Acts, he continues with the same type of preface concerning the church; it’s establishment and growth, as well as a clear description of the opening of the Gospel to the Gentiles.  As we begin our study into this book, it is easy for us to get caught up in how quickly the message of the cross spread throughout the world.  It is easy for us to get lost in the narrative of the story as the next phase of main characters are introduced into God’s Plan.  However, we must not forget that this is more than just a story.  These are actual events, that include actual people whose lives were changed by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  We also can have the security of knowing that Luke did his homework in preparing these books.  He spent time in interviews with eyewitnesses, following the same path that Jesus and the other disciple did to come to an accurate, orderly account of the life of Jesus and the establishment of His church.  We can also have confidence that his record is not his alone but given to him based on his evidence that he has received from the Holy Spirit.  This will help us in understanding God’s Will and His purpose in presenting to us His Word.



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