“Giving God Our Scraps”
“Try offering them to your
governor! Would he be pleased with you? Would he accept you?” says the Lord
Almighty.” — Malachi 1:8
is our greatest authority. We would not give our earthly authorities our
scraps. Yet so often we offer God the leftover portions of our time, money,
energy, thought, and emotion. He gets the scraps and rejects—just as the
Israelites were offering the worst of their animals in sacrifice.
It must have been a burden to care
for a blind or lame animal. The temptation to sacrifice such an animal would be
very real. Wouldn’t a blind or lame animal suit God’s purposes just as well as
any other animal?
face a similar temptation. We pray with the five extra minutes we might have
and are not sure what else we can do with that time. We help with a service
project on a Saturday that is “free” on our calendar. We are happy to give if
we have some disposable income. We read that deep religious book if we are in
between novels.
We must admit, though, that extras
are not really sacrifices. When we willingly sacrifice time, money, or energy
that have value to us, it settles the greater value of God into our hearts and
minds. God sacrificed his only Son for us. Certainly, He is far more worthy of
our best than any earthly authority.
Are you giving your best to him?
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