Why study Lamentations?
The realities of sin, suffering, and evil persist
in our world prompting many (especially young millennials) to question their
faith. These same realities exist still today—post resurrection of Jesus. As
Paul laments in Rom 7-8, the sinfulness of man and the suffering of all
creation leave him and it groaning for a time of redemption.
Richard Oster calls Lamentations, “the best
commentary on Romans 8.” Lamentations confronts these questions and God’s role
in them while providing a voice of heartfelt emotion but steadfast hope in the
God who chastens.
Lamentations deals with the reality of our world
emotionally, and leaves it to marinate on the heart of the reader. The poems give voice to deep pains and
questions for a 6th century BC audience, but still gives voice to many in pain
today. But the poems are given to God in the form of lamenting prayer, petition
for him to act differently in the future.
-Chapter one personifies God’s people in Jerusalem
(Zion) as a widow who once had it all as a princess but now lives as a slave.
The transgressions against God led to this lifestyle.
-Chapter two focuses on God’s anger with
Jerusalem’s sins. God’s anger begins this poem (2:1a), ends it (2:22b), and
covers everything in between (2:1c, 2b, 3a, 4c, 6c). It is clear that not only
Zion suffers—God has been deeply hurt and moved by their sins.
-Chapter three: This poem, along with the voice of
the Daughter of Zion (chapter 1), sandwiches the brutal acts of God enumerated
in 2:1-22 (esp. 1-8). When we see this man lamenting we see glimpses of Job
sitting and suffering in ashes.
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