“The Comeback Kid”



Peter’s denial, Sarah’s doubt, Moses’s failure, David’s sin, and Jonah’s fleeing…all are great shortcomings in the Bible. But every one of these Bible “greats” had more than their lack of faith in common – they all had great comebacks after their fall. Jonah’s comeback starts with his prayer of penitence in chapter 2. Many times we think, “Oh I know the story of Jonah and the whale, etc., etc.,” but we miss looking at the details. Some of these details are found in his heartfelt prayer to God in chapter two.  In this chapter, Jonah acknowledges both God’s power over him and his power to save him. This is one of the main reasons Jonah went to preach to Nineveh. It was because he now understood what it meant to need God. As he says in 2:9 “Salvation comes from the Lord alone.” All of these great men and women of faith had shortcomings, but they are also known for their great comebacks as God brought them back up (2:6). 

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