“It’s Up to You”



From time to time, in Exodus, the Levites had the responsibility of being in charge of the elements of Israel’s religious life. At first they were primarily responsible for the tabernacle, the mobile worship center. Later, they took on additional responsibilities for teaching among the tribes in certain designated Levitical cities. Once the ark of covenant was relocated to Jerusalem, after David was in power as king, the Levities duties changed some more (1 Chronicles 23:25-32).

Today we worship the same God they did then. Our methods of worship change from time to time, as we have opportunities to enhance our worship. Over the years we have enhanced our worship through improved lighting, sound system, and visual systems. These changes were done to help us better worship God and therefore be more pleasing to Him. Some things that will never change in our worship are the acts of worship (prayer, song, scripture, communion and giving), when we worship, why we worship and who we worship. Despite all efforts to enhance our worship through these methods, they will not work if you don’t come through those doors prepared to worship God in spirit and in truth. It is really up to you.

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