“Follow the Leader”



As a kid I can remember playing the game follow the leader. The object of the game was simple. You won by following the leader, and you lost by not following the leader. Who would have ever thought that such an elementary game would play such a significant role in our salvation? Paul says in I Corinthians 11.1, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ Jesus”. The word “imitator” simply means “follower.” Paul just tells us to play the game, except this is more than just a game. In fact, the stakes are much higher than bragging rights or a small ribbon. The winner takes eternity in Heaven. The losers get an eternity in Hell. Jesus is our leader, Paul is following Him, and we are to follow Paul. Why does the religious world seem so confusing when it comes to salvation and living the Christian life? If it saved them, it will save us. If they were told to do it, then so should we. God never intended to create a confusing concept. Why has this gotten so confusing? Simply look at Jesus as our leader, and then follow!


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