


When I was a child I got more than my fair share of “whooping’s”.  There were many times that I was told to “go and get my own switch”, and let me say they were all well deserved.  As I got older the spanking diminished, but I still got the disciple I rightly  deserved; this time it was in the form of being grounded.  There were several nights I was not allowed to talk on the phone, watch television or forced to stay in my room.  Oh yeah, discipline and I are very well                acquainted, and I hated it.  I mean, who wouldn’t hate it; it hurts, it is boring and in the           moment, seems like a complete waste of time.  Did you catch that…”in the moment” part?  I thought you might.  You see no one likes to be disciplined when you are being disciplined, but in the long run you begin to understand why you received it.  As you get older you can begin to appreciate it, because you have the understanding to see its purpose and that it was always              administered to help teach me a lesson.   My parents might say that if it wasn’t for discipline, I might be in prison today.  Solomon says, “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid” (Proverbs 12.1). 

Application: Take a moment today to thank your parents for disciplining you and if you have children, make sure you are doing your job to help them not grow up to be stupid.

Prayer Request________________________________________________________________________



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