If we had lived 4,000 years ago, today would have been a very significant day for those of us that believed in God. It would be special because today is Saturday and that meant it would have been the Sabbath Day. The Jews were taught to “Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy” (Exodus 20.8). They were to use this day to rest from their labors of the past week and reflect on all that they have done and most importantly dedicate themselves to God. There were strict guidelines for what you could and could not do on the Sabbath (Exodus 35). However, most scholars will tell you that of all the 10 Commandments, keeping the Sabbath was one that was kept the least. Why, you might ask? Because keeping the Sabbath typically interfered with what the people wanted to do. The same could be said of today, now we are not bound to keeping the Sabbath; but as believers we do have the pr...